Cemetery Zschopau

  • the cemetery in Zschopau has been extended for several times and is situated on a rather uneven area,
  • its layout includes a cetral crossing of the paths which are lined by trees;
  • a simple classicistic chapel with a high ridge turret (1815);
  • historic tombstones;
  • a crucifix from 1626, which used to be a relic at the former bridge, today it is symbolized by the plaque "Zschap mei Gees" (lit. Zschopau my Jesus)
  • historical graves of well-known personalities and families from Zschopau;
  • a memorial stone for six Jewish women who died in the satellite camps of the concentration camp Flossenberg, Zschopau and Wilischthal


Opening Hours:

  • April - October: 7 am to 9pm
  • November - March: 8am to 4pm


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